hostap_plx switching off encryption?

Vladimir Ivaschenko hazard
Fri Dec 13 11:44:09 PST 2002

Fri, Dec 13, 2002 at 03:25:50PM +0000 Simon Waters wrote about Re: hostap_plx switching off encryption?

> The issue from a WISP perspective is what is left in
> /etc/network/wireless.config ENC and KEY setting, when
> encryption is switched off in the menu's (after being on)
> doesn't leave me with an access point with encryption disabled.
> It is possible to vi out the fields, and then things work okay
> on a reboot, but I think this is more a workaround, I don't
> think WISP needs modifying, I think it issues the right
> commands, but they have the wrong effect.

Ok, by your description it looks like the problem is with driver (or may
be with iwconfig). Encryption mode is set after a key is configured so
according to iwconfig's man pages encryption should be turned off in your

However the driver used in current public release of WISP-Dist is quite
old - I was waiting for things to get stable. I have a new test image,
e-mail off-list and I will give it to you for testing. 

Best Regards
Vladimir Ivaschenko

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