Still No Listings with PVR v3.06

Lorenzo Martinelli lorenzo at
Fri Nov 3 08:15:54 PDT 2017

On 03/11/2017 15:04, RS wrote:
> From: Lorenzo Martinelli Sent: Friday, November 3, 2017 10:15 AM
>> I used to find the list of additions to the cache tremendously 
>> useful. An essential feature, even.
>> And I would use it to find programs I wanted to watch or hear very 
>> quicky.
>> Much more quickly than having to traipse through the GUI
>> IMO, it would be very beneficial it if could be restored as it was, 
>> at least as an option.
>> Please?
> This has also been discussed in the forum.
> You could try making a request there.
Thanks! While I was aware of the forum, I am more comfortable using the 
Mailing list for information. Maybe I need to move with the times more...


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