R3 Flac again

michael norman michaeltnorman at gmail.com
Sat Jun 3 06:46:08 PDT 2017

On 06/03/2017 02:06 PM, Jim web wrote:
> In article <be20f8da-7e6f-7fd0-0d11-a05bf8ddc935 at gmail.com>, michael
> norman <michaeltnorman at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Without wanting to start the usual debate about bitrates etc my personal
>> wish would be for the BBC to stream all of its music output in flac.
> Well, the pattern in the past is that this tends to be the way such things
> end up being rolled out. Once it is, you're next problem is to try and beat
> down the producers up the chain who level/band compress music into pap.
> Jim
Indeed much recorded music is processed as you describe.  Quite a lot 
now isn't, see debates about "loudness wars" etc.  If I as a listener 
have a problem with that sort of thing well I avoid as far as I can 
listening to their output.  As a consumer I'll judge what I hear, be it 
streams, cds or lps by what it sounds like to me. If I don't like ir I 
won't pay for it, if its a physical medium like lp or cd I'll send it back.

All I want the BBC to do is make the option available to me with the 
content I want.  That content is not "classical" music but I understand 
why they would start this experiment with that music, I'll listen when 
they do that maybe I'll improve my musical education at the same time.


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