BBC Licensing Expose

David Woodhouse dwmw2 at
Mon Feb 27 05:36:49 PST 2017

On Mon, 2017-02-27 at 12:42 +0000, jj wrote:
> > it's not appropriate to post links to that site.
> So, certain news outlets are banned from here? And who decides which
> are they? Isn't that (more than) a bit like Trump (or his henchmen)
> banning news organisations from their briefings?

Oh, come on. All I'm talking about here is a little common sense and

If it has a banner all the way down the right-hand side with scantily-
clad girls, often with salacious comments along the lines of "isn't she
all grown up?", think twice.

If it has been criticised as "ill-informed bigotry" by a coroner, in
the inquest into the death of a transgender individual whose suicide it
contributed to, think twice.

If it has been the subject of a report by the European Commission
against Racism and Intolerance, which described is at using "offensive,
discriminatory and provocative terminology", think twice.

If it undermines the rule of law by calling Supreme Court judges
"Enemies of the People" in a front page strikingly similar to one seen
in 1930s Germany (when the DM itself was publishing "Hurrah for the
Blackshirts!"), think twice.

In an ideal world, this wouldn't need to be said. Crap like the Mail
wouldn't sell at all, or if it did it would be in those "modesty
covers" like many of the lads' mags before their oh-so-sad demise.

It's not that it would be *banned*; it's just that none of the scum who
buy and read that dross would be interested in doing so.

Let's imagine, for the moment, that Chris didn't find that
"information" in the Daily Mail — let's imagine that he actually found
it on a hard-core porn site which he was reading "for the articles", as
one does. He'd have thought twice before posting the link in public,
right? And tried to find the same information elsewhere. 

That's exactly the kind of thing we should have with the Mail and its
ilk. People should be *ashamed* of it, in decent society. And that
starts with people being called out for referencing it, and routinely
mocked and ridiculed.

It's not "lower fourth politics", and it's not about free speech.
It's just being a decent human being.
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