BBC Licensing Expose

Tony Quinn tony at
Mon Feb 27 05:22:09 PST 2017

On 27/02/2017 12:34, David Woodhouse wrote:
> On Mon, 2017-02-27 at 12:08 +0000, Tony Quinn wrote:
>> has content which should be discussed.
> It is off-topic for this list, and even if it wasn't, it's not
> appropriate to post links to that site.
Who exactly appointed you the arbiter of what is appropriate?

Proscribing literature of any sort is the first step to marxist control  
of what is acceptable and the introduction and enforcement of 
"groupthink", with ostracism for those who refuse to be controlled.

I read the Mail for the same reason that I read the execrable left-wing 
rag, the Grauniad - to keep tabs on what the enemy is up to. For what 
it's worth it was an interesting insight into what goes on, and why you 
let nobody across your doorstep without a warrant, and question every 
cold caller about exactly who they are and whom they represent until 
they get bored with answering the same two questions repeated ad nauseam.

I shall be spared your future fourth-form political posturings with 
liberal use of the words "dev" and "null"

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