Why mp4 or mp4.ts from identical installation?

Charles Bradshaw charles.bradshaw at ntlworld.com
Mon Feb 6 05:07:40 PST 2017

Hello List

I have get_iplayer and get_iplayer.cgi installed under 2 different
flavors of Linux, Fedora in the first case and CentOS in the second.

The Identical installs are run under Apache and are installed as per
instructions here: github.com/get-iplayer/get_iplayer/wiki/webpvrold

The problem I'm seeing is that apparently identical installations
produce different recorded file formats. The Fedora install produces
vanilla .mp4, but the CentOS install produces .mp4.ts

(please see - attached dump.txt.zip containing radically different
record information from the different installations.)

Why do two identical installations produce different file encoding? The
latter .mp4.ts is huge (213,733,064) the former .mp4 is only half the
size (123,967,485). Also the transport stream file is more or less
useless because at present no browsers native HTML5 player supports ts.

Presumably, I can configure my CentOS (mp4.ts producing) install to
produce vanilla .mp4, but how?

I have slightly different versions of ffmpeg, 2.8.10 (Fedora) and 2.2.1
(CentOS); and RTMPDump v2.4 (Fedora) and RTMPDump v2.2e (CentOS) -
perhaps there are problems here?

Thank in advance.

PS Neither install is public facing!
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