Playing BBC R3 FLAC files recorded by nightly VLC

RS richard22j at
Sun Aug 6 09:40:26 PDT 2017

>From: Paul Thornett
>Sent: Sunday, August 6, 2017 16:50

>You are, of course, absolutely right. Except that right-clicking
>produces 96k rather than 320k.

The good news is that the FLAC streams are not geo-blocked (or so Vangelis 
says in this message.)

You don’t have to wait for a Prom to try.  All R3 output during the trial 
period is included.  Load
into Firefox.  To record it follow the instructions in Vangelis's message.

>But, really, how astonishing. Why on earth didn't the BBC go the whole
>hog and allow the lossless music to be stored for 30 days?

You'll have to ask the BBC.

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