ERROR: Failed to get version pid metadata from iplayer site (SOLVED)

Xavier Llamas xavierll at
Sat Jun 6 10:32:35 PDT 2015


After reading the 2.94 release notes (which I should have done from the 
beginning) I figured the problem is the missing XML::Simple module, I 
tried reinstalling it and noticed that the installation failed due to an 
error in a test of one of its dependencies so I forced the installation 
and every thing is working now:

   perl -MCPAN -e shell
   cpan> force install XML::Simple

Xavier Llamas.

On 06/06/15 11:46, Xavier Llamas wrote:
> Hi all,
> Returning from vacations I found that get_iplayer was no longer 
> working, it was failing do download index feeds. I updated to version 
> 2.94 and that problem was resolved, but now when trying to download a 
> programme I get the error:
> INFO: 1 Matching Programmes
> WARNING: Please download and run latest installer or install the
> XML::Simple Perl module for more accurate programme metadata.
> ERROR: Failed to get version pid metadata from iplayer site
> The XML warning I've always had, but to be on the safe side I 
> installed the module with CPAN but I'm still getting the warning and 
> the error. Any ideas?
> I'm running get_iplayer version 2.94 on Ubuntu Linux 14.04
> Thanks,
> Xavier Llamas.


CDM Cloud <>
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