Anger over BBC radio streaming changes

James Scholes james at
Fri Feb 20 14:59:01 PST 2015

CJB wrote:
> It is equally unacceptable to redesign a website so badly that
> specialist browsing apps. used by the blind are useless and can no
> longer make sense of the pages.

I don't understand where this impression has come from.  A lot of the
blind people complaining about the changes made to BBC websites simply
don't know how to use their assistive technology effectively.  And
before you think that I am way out-of-line for making such a statement,
I am blind myself and using assistive technology to help me write this
email.  I frequently use the iPlayer, get_iplayer, and other BBC
websites without a problem.

The suggestion is made even more ridiculous by the fact that the BBC
have done tons and tons of work to make people, consumers and web
developers alike, all around the world more aware of web accessibility
good practices.  Their usability standards are accepted by organisations
on a global scale.  Are they perfect?  Good lord no.  Their on-site
media player has a number of flaws, and I'm sure that they could make
navigation for keyboard-only users much more efficient, but the BBC web
presence is far from inaccessible.
James Scholes

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