[PATCH] Clean up correctly on more signals

dinkypumpkin dinkypumpkin at gmail.com
Mon Oct 20 09:30:27 PDT 2014

On 20/10/2014 15:05, Mike Crowe wrote:
> This patch is rather old. I added it during a time that my Internet
> connection was rather unreliable and I was killing off get_iplayer after a
> certain period of time so that it didn't consume bandwidth during the
> day. Perhaps it didn't help as much as I thought it did. I'll have another
> look at it more carefully.

Looks like it would have worked well enough with SIGTERM.

> Even on the brief second look now I realise that SIGALRM isn't very helpful

Probably more helpful in run_cmd()

> in this case anyway. It would seem logical for SIGHUP and SIGTERM to be
> treated similarly to SIGINT though.

Possibly.  Both bits of signal handling just exit the program, which 
isn't normally what I think of SIGHUP for.  You already have SIGTERM 
where you need it (in run_cmd()), so maybe the author didn't think it 
useful elsewhere.  And of course, none of this really matters much on 

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