UTF-8 question - 2.87

dinkypumpkin dinkypumpkin at gmail.com
Mon Oct 20 07:08:21 PDT 2014

On 20/10/2014 14:34, Kevin Lynch wrote:
> I've not upgraded yet but I've seen the warnings about using UTF-8 characters.
> I just want to be clear about what will cause trouble and what will be safe. I

That was only related to the encoding of get_iplayer's source code. 
Nothing to do with normal usage.

> I'm a fan of traditional Irish folk music and so one of the shows I
> download is this thing
> Cúlán - http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04l3xbn
> I've noticed
>   - The diacritical characters get mashed in file names (does not cause
> me an issue)

That's now the default behaviour.  The characters were removed pre-2.87. 
  If you want to retain non-ASCII chars, see the Output section of the 
the options list in the GitHub wiki.  It is also linked from the release 

>   - my music player renders the mashed characters correctly as they are
> stored in the mp3 metadata.

That should have always been the case.

>   - problems using the command line to add the pvr search; used the web
> ui found the show there and added it to my pvr searches

Entering accented chars on the command line is different from system to 
system, and you don't say which you use.  You should have a character 
map application of some sort to help copy and paste accented chars to 
the command line.

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