--force loads repeats for radio programmes

dinkypumpkin dinkypumpkin at gmail.com
Wed Dec 3 08:28:42 PST 2014

On 03/12/2014 00:30, Alan Milewczyk wrote:
> Don't think anyone has raised this previously.
> Occasionally a programme download gets screwed up or I need to
> re-download a prog that's already been downloaded.
> I've set my prefs to append the filename with information on when the
> programme was last broadcast using:
> fileprefix <title>_<pid>_<lastbcast>
> I've noticed that when doing a --force for radio programmes, it then
> downloads all instances of a programme including repeats.

--force defeats the PID check against download history.  <lastbcast> 
changes when a repeat airs, so including it in fileprefix defeats the 
normal file overwrite check, thus you'll get another file for the 
repeat.  If you're saying that two different files (original and repeat, 
with same PID) download during the same invocation of get_iplayer, then 
you'll need to provide an example I can check.  If that's the case, the 
two files can't possibly have the same name, so where is the difference 
in the names - <title>, <pid> or <lastbcast>?

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