RTMP failing with send error

User Name magic_cheezer at outlook.com
Thu Jun 6 11:23:36 EDT 2013

ALL - also, I am reminded of a thread from a while back where I had to find the same info (of course, I re-found this rather later in my current investigation!!)

Maybe it can help people again in the future - problem is Aunty changes this so infrequently, it all gets forgotten.


As for the current situation, my current experience is using get_iplayer in conjunction with a partial-proxy config. I couldn't download ANY HD content yesterday (not even intermittently) until I determined the new swfurl. I was able to download some flashvhigh though.

I believe this is attributable to the fact that the only flashhd content I can get comes through iplayertokfs.fplive.net, whereas all other modes seem to be edgefcs.net CDNs, so maybe fplive was affected first/differently?

Of course, since the iPlayer embedded media player does seem to have a new .swf, I can only imagine that this will be the new file used for all current/future hashing handshakes across all CDNs...


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