[PATCH] Removed double re-muxing of AAC audio (national radio) to M4A

dinkypumpkin dinkypumpkin at gmail.com
Sun Feb 10 15:12:30 EST 2013

@Shevek - I'm flagging this for your attention since you're the one who 
implemented the double re-muxing for AAC audio a couple of years ago. 
AFAICT, it hasn't been necessary for quite a while to double re-mux or 
apply the aac_adtstoac filter.  I've tested on several systems, 
including the current Windows configuration and the elderly ffmpeg 
versions in Debian squeeze and Ubuntu 10.04, and all work fine.  If you 
know different please advise.

If anyone thinks they may have a problem with their particular versions 
of ffmpeg, test as follows:

- Download any national radio (e.g., Radio 4) programme with get_iplayer 
using the --raw option.

- Re-mux the downloaded .flv file with ffmpeg like this:

ffmpeg -i file.flv -vn -acodec copy -y file.m4a

- Play the .m4a file with whatever media player you normally use for 
.m4a files.  Check that the file is seekable in your player.

Post a reply to this thread if you have problems.  Include the exact OS 
version, ffmpeg version and media player version you are using.

I've made this change for a couple of reasons: 1) so that --overwrite is 
honoured for radio downloads; 2) to allow use of libav/avconv (which 
doesn't support the old filter option syntax) on Debian/Ubuntu systems. 
I've implemented new --ffmpeg-<type>-opts options so that the 
aac_adtstoac filter can be re-added with appropriate syntax if needed, 
but I haven't implemented any way to return to double re-muxing.

Changes here:


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