Playing programmes (in Linux version)

John Rose john.aaron.rose at
Tue Feb 7 11:17:45 EST 2012

A get_iplayer newbie question. When get_iplayer starts without --get but
with --stream just to play a video 
(e.g. get_iplayer --stream 104 | mplayer -cache 3072 -), it opens the
programme in Movie Player (or whatever I designate as the player of
video files: since I'm using Ubuntu Lucid, the default is Movie Player
aka Totem). 

I want to use the --force & --raw options. That works OK with:
get_iplayer --force --raw --stream 104 | mplayer -cache 3072 -

I also want to catch the terminal messages by placing the stdout &
stderr output in a file.
I've tried:
bash get_iplayer --force --raw --stream 104 | mplayer -cache 3072 -
>/home/john/Temporary/iRecorderLog.txt 2>&1

and some variations. I get such messages as:
/usr/bin/get_iplayer: line 65: use: command not found
/usr/bin/get_iplayer: get_iplayer: line 66: syntax error near unexpected
token `('
/usr/bin/get_iplayer: get_iplayer: line 66: `use POSIX qw(mkfifo);'

Can anybody say what the format should be?

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