Olympic replays

Chris Cullen amrit at cs.byu.edu
Wed Aug 1 08:06:59 EDT 2012

First off, Thanks for all you work on this. I'm trying to download some 
olympic replays and can't seem to get anything to finish. Randomly, it 
seems, the download times out and it fails to resume.

ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet body. len: 96632
1663859.707 kB / 3916.92 sec (27.6%)
INFO: Connection timed out, trying to resume.
Often it will say:
"WARNING: Stream does not start with requested frame, ignoring data..." 
a bunch of times then
"XXXX kB  / XXXX sec (XX.X %)"
"Couldn't resume FLV file try --skip 1"
And it loops back  around. I tried skip, but it didn't do anything. I 
say a previous post about 4GB files sizes and file systems, but I doubt 
that's the problem as i'm using ext4. shall I send more debug info? Any 
ideas what to try next?


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