ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet body.

Clive roadcone at
Tue Oct 25 14:54:26 EDT 2011

On 24/10/11 23:31, dinkypumpkin wrote:
> On 24/10/2011 21:06, Clive wrote:
>> I know it is not "done" to reply to one's own posts, but I have some
>> additional information. I have tried enumerable times this evening on
>> Mint 11 and failed every time. I ran the Windows laptop up and tried on
>> that - using the command prompt. It d/l first time and tidy. While it
>> was d/l I tried Mint - it failed and failed ...
>> So, as they say, "what's up Doc?"
> I guess that rules out network or server problems. One thought: Check
> the version number of package "librtmp0" and ensure it matches the
> version number of package "rtmpdump". An Ubuntu user recently reported
> troubles that were caused by a version mismatch, albeit with different
> symptoms. I don't have a copy of Mint to check, but I wonder if your
> Mint install may have pulled the older librtmp0 package from Ubuntu
> repositories as a dependency for another package. If so, it would not
> have been automatically upgraded during installation of get_iplayer from
> the PPA. If that is what happened, you would likely have noticed
> problems as soon as you installed the PPA version of get_iplayer. If so,
> then just upgrade the librtmp0 package to the PPA version. If not, then
> ignore this.
Not sure network is ruled out dp - with no changes whatsoever, this 
evening is fine under Mint. Maybe the Windows d/l was just luck. I will 
take your advice though and check versions.

Thank you for your help.


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