[Re: Mp3 from Radio]

Steve Anderson steve at twindx.co.uk
Tue Jan 4 09:41:55 EST 2011

On 4 January 2011 13:53, David Woodhouse <dwmw2 at infradead.org> wrote:

> There are plenty of tools out there which will convert files from one
> format to another, transcode them to DVD-compatible MPEG format, let you
> add your own subtitles, or do whatever else you can think of.
> I believe that get_iplayer should do *one* thing, and do it well.

At one point I would have disagreed with you; however since joining my
current employer and seeing some of the awful Swiss Army Knife code
that my predecessors have created to attempt to do everything (and,
like a Swiss Army Knife, every tool is inferior to a proper single-use
tool), I'd now agree wholeheartedly. Having been through the code for
get_iplayer myself to hack in rtmpdump support back when it wasn't
present, I know it's already on the verge of trying to do too much.

Given that there's already ffmpeg et al being used, I'd be more in
favour of a companion script that works with the files downloaded;
maybe scanning the downloads directory when invoked and transcoding
the files that match criteria. I should also mention at this point
that I have absolutely no spare time to develop this - it's just an


Irregular Shed - http://www.twindx.co.uk

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