listing problem

Nigel Taylor njtaylor at
Thu Aug 25 11:45:39 EDT 2011

On 08/24/11 15:45, hennessey rogers wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to get a list of the programs available on BBC HD channel on iplayer but when I try
> perl.exe  --tree --type=tv --channel="BBC HD">  BBC-HD.txt
> I get no matching programs. I can get a list of programs available in HD format with
> perl.exe  --tree --type=tv --category=HD>  HD-progs.txt
> but how come getting a list of available BBC tv channels
> perl.exe --list=channel --type=tv>  tv-channels.txt
> the BBC HD channel is not listed ?
> Thanks for any replies.
>                              Hennessey.

Duplicates are removed from the list, so if the same programme appears 
on BBC Two, and BBC HD. Only one will will be present, listed against 
BBC Two. BBC HD is just the HD version of the main channels rather than 
original content it is very unlikely to see anything listed against BBC HD.


Nigel Taylor

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