[bmap-tools] [PATCH 3/8] test_api_base: use external programs for compression

Artem Bityutskiy dedekind1 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 31 06:58:46 EST 2014

From: Artem Bityutskiy <artem.bityutskiy at intel.com>

Stop using internal python modules for compressing test files, and just like we
did in the previous commit, use external programs for this.

Change-Id: I75dd6461d598d1d4b0b4096b65d74f08c44adc75
Signed-off-by: Artem Bityutskiy <artem.bityutskiy at intel.com>
 tests/test_api_base.py | 108 ++++++++++++++++---------------------------------
 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/test_api_base.py b/tests/test_api_base.py
index 23ca625..934ee5f 100644
--- a/tests/test_api_base.py
+++ b/tests/test_api_base.py
@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ import os
 import tempfile
 import filecmp
 import itertools
+import subprocess
+from tests import helpers
+from bmaptools import BmapHelpers, BmapCreate, Filemap
 # This is a work-around for Centos 6
@@ -37,9 +40,6 @@ try:
 except ImportError:
     import unittest
-from tests import helpers
-from bmaptools import BmapCreate, Filemap, TransRead
 class Error(Exception):
     """A class for exceptions generated by this test."""
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ def _compare_holes(file1, file2):
             raise Error("mismatch for hole %d-%d, it is %d-%d in file2"
                         % (range1[0], range1[1], range2[0], range2[1]))
 def _generate_compressed_files(file_path, delete=True):
     This is a generator which yields compressed versions of a file
@@ -71,86 +72,47 @@ def _generate_compressed_files(file_path, delete=True):
     generator yields have to be automatically deleted.
-    import bz2
-    import gzip
-    import tarfile
-    import shutil
-    lzma_present = True
-    try:
-        import lzma
-    except ImportError:
-        try:
-            from backports import lzma # pylint: disable=F0401
-        except ImportError:
-            lzma_present = False
     # Make sure the temporary files start with the same name as 'file_obj' in
     # order to simplify debugging.
     prefix = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path))[0] + '.'
     # Put the temporary files in the directory with 'file_obj'
     directory = os.path.dirname(file_path)
-    # Generate an uncompressed version of the file
-    tmp_file_obj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb+', prefix=prefix,
-                                               delete=delete, dir=directory,
-                                               suffix='.uncompressed')
-    shutil.copyfileobj(TransRead.TransRead(file_path), tmp_file_obj)
-    tmp_file_obj.flush()
-    yield tmp_file_obj.name
-    tmp_file_obj.close()
-    # Generate a .bz2 version of the file
-    tmp_file_obj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb+', prefix=prefix,
-                                               delete=delete, dir=directory,
-                                               suffix='.bz2')
-    bz2_file_obj = bz2.BZ2File(tmp_file_obj.name, 'wb')
-    shutil.copyfileobj(TransRead.TransRead(file_path), bz2_file_obj)
-    bz2_file_obj.close()
-    yield bz2_file_obj.name
-    tmp_file_obj.close()
-    # Generate a .gz version of the file
-    tmp_file_obj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb+', prefix=prefix,
-                                               delete=delete, dir=directory,
-                                               suffix='.gz')
-    gzip_file_obj = gzip.GzipFile(tmp_file_obj.name, 'wb')
-    shutil.copyfileobj(TransRead.TransRead(file_path), gzip_file_obj)
-    gzip_file_obj.close()
-    yield gzip_file_obj.name
-    tmp_file_obj.close()
-    if lzma_present:
-        # Generate an .xz version of the file
+    compressors = [("bzip2",  None, ".bz2",   "-c -k"),
+                   ("pbzip2", None, ".p.bz2", "-c -k"),
+                   ("gzip",   None, ".gz",    "-c"),
+                   ("pigz",   None, ".p.gz",  "-c -k"),
+                   ("xz",     None, ".xz",    "-c -k"),
+                   ("lzop",   None, ".lzo",   "-c -k"),
+                   # The "-P -C /" trick is used to avoid silly warnings:
+                   # "tar: Removing leading `/' from member names"
+                   ("bzip2", "tar", ".tar.bz2", "-c -j -O -P -C /"),
+                   ("gzip",  "tar", ".tar.gz",  "-c -z -O -P -C /"),
+                   ("xz",    "tar", ".tar.xz",  "-c -J -O -P -C /"),
+                   ("lzop",  "tar", ".tar.lzo", "-c --lzo -O -P -C /")]
+    for decompressor, archiver, suffix, options in compressors:
+        if not BmapHelpers.program_is_available(decompressor):
+            continue
+        if archiver and not BmapHelpers.program_is_available(archiver):
+            continue
         tmp_file_obj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb+', prefix=prefix,
                                                    delete=delete, dir=directory,
-                                                   suffix='.xz')
-        lzma_file_obj = lzma.LZMAFile(tmp_file_obj.name, 'wb')
-        shutil.copyfileobj(TransRead.TransRead(file_path), lzma_file_obj)
-        lzma_file_obj.close()
-        yield lzma_file_obj.name
+                                                   suffix=suffix)
+        if archiver:
+            args = archiver + " " + options + " " + file_path
+        else:
+            args = decompressor + " " + options + " " + file_path
+        child_process = subprocess.Popen(args, shell=True,
+                                         stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                         stdout=tmp_file_obj)
+        child_process.wait()
+        tmp_file_obj.flush()
+        yield tmp_file_obj.name
-    # Generate a tar.gz version of the file
-    tmp_file_obj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb+', prefix=prefix,
-                                               delete=delete, dir=directory,
-                                               suffix='.tar.gz')
-    tgz_file_obj = tarfile.open(tmp_file_obj.name, "w:gz")
-    tgz_file_obj.add(file_path)
-    tgz_file_obj.close()
-    yield tgz_file_obj.name
-    tmp_file_obj.close()
-    # Generate a tar.bz2 version of the file
-    tmp_file_obj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb+', prefix=prefix,
-                                               delete=delete, dir=directory,
-                                               suffix='.tar.bz2')
-    tbz2_file_obj = tarfile.open(tmp_file_obj.name, "w:bz2")
-    tbz2_file_obj.add(file_path)
-    tbz2_file_obj.close()
-    yield tbz2_file_obj.name
-    tmp_file_obj.close()
 def _do_test(image, image_size, delete=True):
     A basic test for the bmap creation and copying functionality. It first

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