[PATCH 14/15] mini2440: Remove some A9M2440 platform leftovers

Juergen Beisert jbe at pengutronix.de
Mon Feb 14 04:35:45 EST 2011

Hmm, arch/arm/boards/mini2440/env/config needs some additional adaption to 
make it work with the generic environment. I will re-send a new patch for 


Pengutronix e.K.                              | Juergen Beisert             |
Linux Solutions for Science and Industry      | Phone: +49-8766-939 228     |
Vertretung Sued/Muenchen, Germany             | Fax:   +49-5121-206917-5555 |
Amtsgericht Hildesheim, HRA 2686              | http://www.pengutronix.de/  |

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