ath11k and vfio-pci support

Kalle Valo kvalo at
Wed Jan 10 01:00:42 PST 2024

+ ath11k list

James Prestwood <prestwoj at> writes:

> For a while now I've been using vfio-pci to pass through wireless
> hardware to a Qemu VM. This makes testing kernel changes quick and
> easy compared to swapping the host kernel for reach iterative change.
> So far I've had very few issues doing this, maybe I've just been
> lucky... I tried doing this with an ath11k (WCN6855) card and ran into
> issues with the driver starting up. I'm wondering if its a
> configuration issue or just a lack of support by ath11k? The card
> works just fine when I use it on my host machine. Based on the logs it
> may not even be related to ath11k as wmi-bmof seems to fail first, but
> I'm not familiar with anything at the PCI level so I've got no idea
> whats going on.

There's a bug report about this:

But I have also no idea what is causing this, I guess we are doing
something wrong with the PCI communication? That reminds me, you could
try this in case that helps:


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