wcn36xx interface combinations

Gucea Doru gucea.doru at gmail.com
Fri Aug 12 08:09:18 PDT 2016

Hello, everyone

I am trying to use simultaneously 2 interfaces in managed mode: I try
to connect a Nexus4 phone with two different Access Points. The APs
are on the same channel.

This functionality is already supported by some Atheros drivers:
ath10k supports the concurrent use of up to 8 virtual interface with a
single physical card [1]. With respect to the the wcn36xx driver,
there seems to be a problem because the authentication process fails
when I try to connect to the second AP.

For understanding the root of the problem I used the wcn36xx-dissector
[2] which tracks the messages exchanged between the driver and the
firmware. For the second interface the messages are:
1) ADD_STA_SELF_REQ: the driver send this messages to the firmware
when the second interface is brought up. Firmware response: SUCCESS;
2) JOIN_REQ. The driver send this message to the firmware when I start
the wpa_supplicant tool with the configuration for the second AP.
Firmware response: SUCCESS;
3) CONFIG_BSS_REQ. Firmware response: SUCCESS.

Shortly after CONFIG_BSS_REQ, the mac80211 layer generates a
management Frame for Authentication, wcn36xx-dissector intercepts this
messages,  but no frame is send through the air (I used a monitor
interface for sniffing the packets).

What are the main reasons for not sending the Authentication packet
through the air?
Are there any special packets that should be send to the firmware in
the case of the second virtual interface?

The wcn36xx-dissector logs can be found at [3] and the authentication
message with problem has the No 3421.
The wcn36xx driver that I use is the official one with with a small
patch for adding interface combinations [4].

[1] http://lxr.free-electrons.com/source/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath10k/mac.c#L7448
[2] https://github.com/kanstrup/wcn36xx-dissector
[3] https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5SBH08PU_ChYTh0ZnVSaUdyMFU
[4] https://github.com/doru91/wcn36xx


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