Auto TX rate adaption

Kalle Valo kvalo at
Fri May 31 23:59:58 EDT 2013

Olof Johansson <dev at> writes:

> I've been trying to figure out how to make the firmware send packets
> with something else than the lowest basic rate (1 and 6 respectively)
> but I seem to be hitting a dead end.
> First I thought it was due to rateset missing in the bss_config. But
> looking at packet dumps from the working driver this just seems to be
> either zeroes or random memory data.
> Then I found the CFG parameters which are sent at startup which
> contains some rate parameter as well. Trying these out got me nowhere
> either... and judging from packet dumps this CFG is not used anyway.
> Does anyone have any hints that could get me in the right direction? :)

Sorry, I don't have any hints right now.

But it would be good to document your observations to hal.h. It would be
great if hal.h could be a complete documentation about the firmware
interface. For example, knowing which fields are actually unused is
valuable information.

Kalle Valo

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