updated patch with throttling

castet.matthieu at free.fr castet.matthieu at free.fr
Fri Mar 25 07:44:40 EST 2005

Selon Roman Kagan <rkagan at mail.ru>:

>   Hi,
> Below is the updated patch which avoids both deadlock and livelock in
> case of repetitive urb submission failures.  It does that by adding two
> timers (for either direction) to make sure the processing is restarted
> after the submission error but with a delay of THROTTLE_MSECS which I
> arbitrarily set to 5.
Do we realy need a timer for sending ?
The atm layer, should call tasklet_schedule in usbatm_atm_send ?

Also now that tasklet_schedule is call each time a urb complete, when
tasklet_schedule could deadlock ?


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