RFC : usbatm and iso

Roman Kagan rkagan at mail.ru
Thu Jan 20 12:28:34 EST 2005

On Thu, 2005-01-20 at 16:19 +0100, matthieu castet wrote:
> Roman Kagan wrote:
> > 1) I came across a site, http://www.eagle-usb.org , where they appear to
> > have succeeded in using this modem with Linux.  Does their code work
> > with your modem?  Have you looked at their stuff when developing yours?
> yes, my stuff is based on their code. The goal is to made something we 
> could integrate in the kernel later (actualy the module does everything 
> : atm layer + fake ethernet device, ...).

I see.  Thanks for explaining.

> The crc error are also present with this driver : 
> https://mail.gna.org/public/eagleusb-dev/2005-01/msg00083.html

You can try to persuade someone who has their driver working fine to try

> > Have you succeeded to get your modem to
> > work in this mode with the current bulk-only usb_atm?
> yes it works, except some unloading problem : when I try to unload 
> usb-atm, the kernel freeze.

You've never posted your code, that's why I asked.
> Yes I will track the unloading isue, but the some of my questions were 
> general and also valid for bulk mode (resumitting directly empty urbs, 
> filling the urb in init + just change buffer and context, ...)

It just worked for me so I never cared to examine it closely.  I'll try
when I have time.


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