eagle-usb port + thought

Duncan Sands duncan.sands at math.u-psud.fr
Mon Jan 17 15:51:09 EST 2005

Hi Matthieu,

> for "u.atm_dev->signal" : when ATM_PHY_SIG_LOST, does the ATM layer try 
> to send trame ?

this is completely ignored by the ATM layer.

> Also for u.atm_dev->link_rate, what's the units (why / 424 is need). Is 
> the value is really used by the atm layer ?

I don't know why it is / 424.  David?

> Isn't it a problem that we put the download rate and not the upload rate ?

No, because this value is also ignored by the ATM layer.

> Finally I believe the new model which mix usb and atm device is not 
> right : we couldn't manage all the modem in one file : eagle-usb need to 
> manage the state machine of the modem and send it dynamicly part of 
> firmware it want (not enough memory on the device...). So the code is 
> big and not very common with other modem...

Just the firmware code, or all of the code if very different?  If it is all
very different, then maybe it should be a completely separate driver.



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