[Pcsclite-muscle] Delegate WinSCard calls to another library (for a RDP server for example)

Ludovic Rousseau ludovic.rousseau at gmail.com
Fri Mar 15 14:59:03 PDT 2024


I am working on a new idea for pcsc-lite: Delegate WinSCard calls to
another library

The application will call SCardEstablishContext() (for example) as
before but the call is not directly sent to libpcsclite.so.1. Instead
we have a intermediate library that can redirect the call somewhere

Use cases:
- the other library can be libpcscspy.0.dylib to generate a debug
trace (simpler use for
- the other library can be libpcsclite-xrdp.so.0 to redirect the PC/SC
calls to the RDP server and then to the RDP client
- something else. I am interested in reading your other ideas

The redirection is done by defining the environment variable
LIBPCSCLITE_DELEGATE before running the PC/SC application.

To avoid security problems the variable LIBPCSCLITE_DELEGATE is
ignored if the process is run as root. The default library (real
libpcsclite) is used instead.

You can have more details and a discussion in

What do you think?
Should I change something?
Ideas? comments?


 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau

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