[Pcsclite-muscle] Best way to remotely use smart card?

D Ducky suffsuccotash at gmail.com
Sun Nov 12 18:45:37 PST 2023


I have two machines with Fedora 39.

I now use remmina for vnc+ssh to remotely access my machine.

The remote machine is colocated in the same building as the client 
machine.  The remote machine has the card reader, and the card.

However, with remmina, I have no option to enable smart card access, or 
whatever.  So despite the host remote machine having the card in the 
smart card reader, and it working fine when at that machine, when I 
access it through remmina, vnc+ssh, it acts as though there is no card 
in the smart card reader.

What is the best way to accomplish what I am trying to do here? I want 
to be able to access websites through vnc+ssh or something like that 
using the host's smart card certificates.

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