[Pcsclite-muscle] Directly using RSA key of a smartcard

Michael Conrad mike at nrdvana.net
Wed Jun 21 10:08:06 PDT 2023

Hello, I'm new to smartcards and curious if it is possible to ask the 
card "what is your public RSA key", encrypt something with that public 
key, and then ask the card to decrypt it back to the original value.  In 
other words, I want to get at the raw encryption API without the hassle 
of the gpg infrastructure that is normally used for this.  (and yes I 
understand that the things directly encrypted with RSA need to be small 
values like raw AES keys, used for further encryption and decryption 
using CBC or similar)

If so, could you provide some pointers on convenient ways I might access 
this API from a script?  (but I can write C if I need to)

Thanks, and if you want some stackexchange credit I have the question at



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