[Pcsclite-muscle] Need some pointers/help wiegand readers

Felipe Saavedra fsaavedr at dcc.uchile.cl
Thu Dec 1 05:19:57 PST 2022

Hi Everyone,

I'm Felipe. I just started to develop a code to interact with a wiegand
reader on cpp with an interface for nodejs. I am trying to get a
functionality like node-pcsclite, but I am getting a lot of questions
while reading the code internals and the interaction with pcsc-lite.

First, i was trying to find some pointers in the interaction with pcsc
and the wiegand protocol and if any of you have worked in some alike
proyect. If so, can you help me with some pointers?

If the later answer is negative, with your knowledge, do you think it is

Best Regards,

Felipe Saavedra

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