[Pcsclite-muscle] Help required with Microchip SEC1210 over Serial

Tobias Girstmair tobi at isticktoit.net
Wed Feb 28 15:25:41 PST 2018

Thank you for your patience.

> At least the driver communicates correctly with the reader... until
> the second slot is used.
> Is your SEC1210 a reader with 2 slots?

The firmware on my chip only supports one of the two slots. I will try 
to get hold of some chips with both readers active.

> That does not explain why the reader can't power up the card.
> You may need to spy the communication between the card and reader to
> know what is happening.

I'll try and will report back.

> I don't think I have a SEC1210 serial reader. So I can't really debug
> on my side.

Yeah, looking for readers with a specific chipset is hard and I wasn't 
able to find one myself.

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