[Pcsclite-muscle] GPG Key

Ludovic Rousseau ludovic.rousseau
Wed Aug 26 11:29:15 PDT 2015


2015-08-26 4:27 GMT+02:00 Jessie Frazelle <jess at docker.com>:
> I swear I looked all over the website and downloads page [1]. But I
> cannot find what key the tarballs are signed with to import to verify.
> I am so sorry for bothering a mailing list with such noise, especially
> because as much as I try I know they have to be somewhere and I am
> just missing it.
> Thanks in advance.

Good question.
I just wrote a blog article: " How to get my GPG public key? "

For short: my key is available on any GPG key server.
And you can find it on my "home" page: http://ludovic.rousseau.free.fr/


 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau

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