[Pcsclite-muscle] Driver development? (for rasp pi NXP PN512 spidev module)

Jan Vales jan
Thu Nov 20 06:49:43 PST 2014


I have seen in the list archives that there were some mails about
writing your own driver.
Is there any progress on getting an example driver out?

Basically I want to make pcscd work with my raspberry pi + NXP
EXPLORE-NFC with a PN512 spidev-NFC module.

The nxp folks released a lib, but it seems a litte overcomplicated and
is written in c.

I already have an omnikey reader and do not want to reimplement all my
python code in c and maintain 2 versions of my stuff just to have 2 nfc
readers ...

But I hope to be able to read the spidev access magic from the nxp-lib.

Jan Vales
I only read plaintext emails.

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