RFC pkgs.staging.openwrt.org

Ted Hess thess at kitschensync.net
Mon Jan 8 14:51:48 PST 2024

Hi Paul -

Best idea yet! Go for it.


On 1/5/2024 11:14:53 AM, "Paul Spooren" <mail at aparcar.org> wrote:

>Hey all,
>tl;dr checkout https://pkgs.staging.openwrt.org/
>As some may experienced, openwrt.org is slow an one (of many reasons) is that it stores and renders tables with all packages.
>Based on feedback the experience is neither convincing nor does it perform well within a DokuWiki.
>After asking our fellow friends from Alpine Linux[1] respectively postmarketOS[2] I got an okay to fork and deploy the tool `apkbrowser`, which is now `pkgbrowser`[3] since it currently handles OPKG packages.
>I’ll refactor and commit the update-script later, essentially it polls our buildbots and whenever a build is completed, the database is updated. For that reason some packages are still missing. With more time missing packages/archs are added.
>The tool nor server are tested under load but I fell quite positive it’s more fun than our wiki implementation.
>If this turns out to fly, I’ll link it in the wiki, move it to pkgs.openwrt.org and remove all package functionality from the wiki.
>Thanks to Carlo Landmeter et al for implementing such a handy and adoptable tool!
>[1]: http://pkgs.alpinelinux.org
>[2]: https://pkgs.postmarketos.org/packages
>[3]: https://github.com/aparcar/pkgbrowser

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