irt: tools/squashfs4: enable parallel builds

Elliott Mitchell ehem+openwrt at
Mon Apr 3 14:23:08 PDT 2023

On Mon, Apr 03, 2023 at 09:43:28PM +0800, 刘林辉 wrote:
> The reason may be that my computer is under high load all the time.
> So I wrote a simple workflow to test squashfs4 using github actions

Okay, I can believe that.  Just an issue that it made the commit message
misleading.  Parallel building *can* slow things down.  `squashfs4` does
look a bit risky for that since most of its source is in 3 files and
everything else is tiny.

Might want to ensure your background jobs have been run via `nice` or
run `renice` on them later.  This makes benchmarks better guides.

On Mon, Apr 03, 2023 at 09:12:47PM +0200, Paul Oranje wrote:
> > Op 3 apr. 2023, om 00:28 heeft Elliott Mitchell <ehem+openwrt at> het volgende geschreven:
> > 
> > Am I the only person who finds commit 3efd49a588
> Cannot find that one, but have you seen 82e1f041f9a6cf9232c9f73938ef3b11c34cca0f ?

3efd49a588 is about allowing the build process of `squashfs4` to use
multiple processors.  Whereas 82e1f041f9 is about allowing `squashfs4`
to use multiple processors during its runtime.  Thus these two do not
conflict and do make sense together.

(FYI `git rev-parse --short 82e1f041f9a6cf9232c9f73938ef3b11c34cca`)

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