[OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH v3 2/2] ipvsadm: uci configuration, init, scheduler

Mauro Mozzarelli mauro at ezplanet.net
Mon Mar 7 17:44:56 EST 2016

This ipvsadm package contains:
- uci ipvs sample configuration file
- ipvsadm service startup/shutdown script
- scheduler checking real servers' availability and re-configuring ipvs tables accordingly

- ipvs kernel modules
- ipvsadm tool

Signed-off-by: Mauro Mozzarelli <mauro at ezplanet.net>

diff --git a/package/network/utils/ipvsadm/Makefile b/package/network/utils/ipvsadm/Makefile
index 1eeca83..b6360d2 100644
--- a/package/network/utils/ipvsadm/Makefile
+++ b/package/network/utils/ipvsadm/Makefile
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ define Package/$(PKG_NAME)/description
   The Linux Virtual Server can be used to build scalable network services based on a cluster of two or more

+	#-I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include/libnl-tiny -fPIC -DLIBIPVS_USE_NL -D_GNU_SOURCE

@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ define Package/$(PKG_NAME)/install
 	$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ipvsadm $(1)/sbin/
 	$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ipvsadm-save $(1)/sbin/
 	$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ipvsadm-restore $(1)/sbin/
+	$(CP) ./files/* $(1)/

 $(eval $(call BuildPackage,$(PKG_NAME)))
diff --git a/package/network/utils/ipvsadm/files/etc/config/ipvs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50f01d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/utils/ipvsadm/files/etc/config/ipvs
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Sample Configuration v2.0
+# please see the documentation at www.linuxvirtualserver.org to learn how to
+# configure real servers.
+# This configuration is used by /etc/init.d/ipvsadm to setup and load balance
+# virtual servers to available real servers.
+# A cron job is used to activate/deactivate real servers based on their availability (ping)
+# If virtual and real servers have internet static IPs, the wan interface must be part of a static IP Subnet
+# ipvsadm is fully functional for manual configuration
+config vipvs globals
+	option enabled 0
+# role master|slave
+	option role 'master'
+	option interface 'lan'
+# if an alias number is not specified in virtual, aliases are created by default starting from 100
+# alias offset specifies a custom offset 0=default to 100
+    option alias offset '0'
+# valid schedulers are included in the kernel schedulers list
+	list scheduler wlc
+# for each vip an alias ip is initialized on the wan/lan router interface
+# the vip must not be the same as the router's ip
+config virtual
+	option enabled 0
+	option name admin
+	option vip ''
+	option interface lan
+	option alias 10
+	option scheduler 'wlc'
+# persistent: if set, 0=default timeout of 300s any other number specifies a custom timeout
+	option persistent '0'
+# optional parameters for virtual servers: use ipvsadm syntax
+	option parameters '-M netmask'
+# list of real servers associated with this virtual server
+	list real ''
+	list real ''
+# lists protocols/ports for related virtual server with name admin
+config admin
+	option protocol tcp
+	option src_port 80
+	option dest_port 80
+config admin
+	option protocol udp
+# if only 'port' is specified then source and destination ports are the same
+# port 0 means all ports are forwarded to the real servers
+	option port 0
+# configure options specific to a real server
+# must have ip with _ instead of dots to comply with uci syntax. The script re-converts these to IP
+# packet_forwarding (use ipvsadm switch), weight (numeric), u_threshold (numeric), l_threshold (numeric)
+config 192_168_10_100
+	option packet_forwarding '-g'
+	option weight '1'
diff --git a/package/network/utils/ipvsadm/files/etc/init.d/ipvsadm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d44a3ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/utils/ipvsadm/files/etc/init.d/ipvsadm
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
+# ipvsadm v2.0
+# Author: Mauro Mozzarelli
+# Description: builds ipvs configuration from uci openwrt parameters
+#              load/unload ip_vs kernel modules
+#              start/stop ipvs scheduler
+#              start/stop cron job scheduler
+# Dependencies: /etc/config/ipvs; ipvsadm; ip_vs Kernel modules; cron
+# Notes: Firewall must be configured separately
+#	Configuration files in /tmp/ipvsadm.d:
+#	virt.*  = virtual servers
+#   *.stop  = real server in down state ipvs table
+#   *.start = real server in up state ipvs table
+#   vserv.* = virtual servers ipvs table
+KERNEL_RELEASE=`uname -r`
+# Reserve first 100 aliases for automated allocation
+# Cron job used to check if real servers are available and update ipvs
+# scheduler accordingly
+CRON_SCHEDULER='*		*	*	*	*	/usr/sbin/checkRealServers		# IPVS_SCHEDULER'
+# Get parameters for real servers (repetitive cycle)
+get_real_parameters () {
+	ip=`echo $1 | tr '.' '_'`
+	param=`uci -q get ipvs.@$ip[0].packet_forwarding`
+	for i in weight u_threshold l_threshold; do
+		value=`uci -q get ipvs.@$ip[0].$i`
+		case $i in
+			weight)			switch="-w" ;;
+			u_threshold)	switch="-x" ;;
+			l_threshold)	switch="-y" ;;
+		esac
+		if [ ! -z $value ]; then
+			let $value 2>/dev/null
+			isNumeric=$?
+			if [ $isNumeric -eq 0 ]; then
+				param="$param $switch $value"
+			else
+				param="$param $switch"
+			fi
+		fi
+	done
+	echo $param
+# Check if real server is in the list and add if not present
+update_real_server () {
+	realServer=$1
+	gotit=0
+	for s in `cat $BASE_DIR/$REAL_SERVERS`; do
+		if [ $r == $s ]; then
+			gotit=1
+			break
+		fi
+	done
+	if [ $gotit -eq 0 ]; then
+		echo $r >> $BASE_DIR/$REAL_SERVERS
+	fi
+start_service () {
+	enabled=`uci -q get ipvs.globals.enabled`
+	case $enabled in
+		0)
+			exit
+			;;
+		1)
+			;;
+		*)
+			echo Invalid initialization parameter: enabled=$enabled
+			exit
+			;;
+	esac
+	if [ -d $BASE_DIR ]; then
+		cd $BASE_DIR
+	else
+		mkdir -p $BASE_DIR
+		cd $BASE_DIR
+	fi
+	rm -f $BASE_DIR/*
+	rm -f $TMP_DIR/*.down
+	modprobe $IPVSMOD
+	cm=0
+	for m in `uci -q get ipvs.globals.scheduler`; do
+			cm=$((cm+1))
+			modprobe ${IPVSMOD}_$m
+	done
+	# Default to SCHED if no schedulers
+	if [ $cm -eq 0 ]; then
+		modprobe ${IPVSMOD}_${SCHED}
+	fi
+	offset=`uci -q get ipvs.globals.alias_offset`
+	if [ ! -z "$offset" ]; then
+		let $offset 2>/dev/null
+		isNumeric=$?
+		if [ $isNumeric -eq 0 ]; then
+			ALIAS_NEXT=$offset
+		fi
+	fi
+	cv=0
+	while [ x`uci -q get ipvs. at virtual[$cv]` == x'virtual' ]; do
+		enabled=`uci get ipvs. at virtual[$cv].enabled`
+		if [ $enabled -eq 0 ]; then
+			let cv=$cv+1
+			continue
+		fi
+		name=`uci get ipvs. at virtual[$cv].name`
+		vip=`uci get ipvs. at virtual[$cv].vip`
+		interface=`uci get ipvs. at virtual[$cv].interface`
+		device=`uci -P /var/state get network.${interface}.ifname`
+		ipaddr=`uci -P /var/state get network.${interface}.ipaddr`
+		alias=`uci -q get ipvs. at virtual[$cv].alias`
+		scheduler=`uci -q get ipvs. at virtual[$cv].scheduler`
+		persistent=`uci -q get ipvs. at virtual[$cv].persistent`
+		v_params=`uci -q get ipvs. at virtual[$cv].parameters`
+		# ifconfig: get alias number or use a the default
+		if [ "$vip" != "$ipaddr" ] ; then
+			let $alias 2>/dev/null
+			isNumeric=$?
+			if [ -z "$alias" ] || [ $isNumeric -gt 0 ]; then
+				alias=$ALIAS_NEXT
+			fi
+			ifconfig $device:$alias $vip netmask up
+			echo "ifconfig $device:$alias down" >> $BASE_DIR/ifconfig_down.sh
+		fi
+		if [ -z "$scheduler" ]; then
+			scheduler=$SCHED
+		fi
+		if [ ! -z $persistent ]; then
+			let $persistent 2>/dev/null
+			isNumeric=$?
+			# if numeric and greater than 0 set timeout to value, otherwise use default
+			if [ $isNumeric -eq 0 ] && [ $persistent -gt 0 ]; then
+				persistent="-p $persistent"
+			else
+				persistent="-p"
+			fi
+		fi
+		#
+		real=`uci -q get ipvs. at virtual[$cv].real`
+		if [ ! -z "$real" -a "$real" != " " ]; then
+			vip_done=no
+			for r in $real; do
+				update_real_server $r
+				r_params="$(get_real_parameters $r)"
+				cd=0
+				while [ x`uci -q get ipvs.@$name[$cd]` == x$name ]; do
+					protocol=`uci -q get ipvs.@$name[$cd].protocol`
+					src_port=`uci -q get ipvs.@$name[$cd].src_port`
+					dest_port=`uci -q get ipvs.@$name[$cd].dest_port`
+					case $protocol in
+						tcp)
+							protocol="-t"
+							;;
+						udp)
+							protocol="-u"
+							;;
+						*)
+							# Default to tcp protocol
+							protocol="-t"
+							;;
+					esac
+					if [ -z $src_port ]; then
+						port=`uci -q get ipvs.@$name[$cd].port`
+						if [ -z $port ]; then
+							port=0
+						fi
+						src_port=$port
+					fi
+					if [ -z $dest_port ]; then
+						dest_port=$src_port
+					fi
+					if [ x$vip_done == x'no' ];then
+						echo "-A $protocol $vip:$src_port -s $scheduler $persistent $v_params" >>
+						echo "-D $protocol $vip:$src_port" >> $BASE_DIR/vserv.stop.$interface
+					fi
+					echo "-a $protocol $vip:$src_port -r $r:$dest_port $r_params" >> $BASE_DIR/$r.start
+					echo "-d $protocol $vip:$src_port -r $r" >> $BASE_DIR/$r.stop
+					cd=$((cd+1))
+				done
+				vip_done=yes
+			done
+		fi
+		let cv=$cv+1
+	done
+	for i in `cat $BASE_DIR/$REAL_SERVERS`; do
+		date > $TMP_DIR/$i.down
+	done
+	for i in ${BASE_DIR}/vserv.start.* ; do
+		ipvsadm -R < $i
+	done
+	grole=`uci get ipvs.globals.role`
+	gintf=`uci get ipvs.globals.interface`
+	ipvsadm --start-daemon $grole --mcast-interface `uci -P /var/state get network.$gintf.ifname`
+	if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
+		logger -p info "ERROR: IPVSADM daemon failed to start"
+		exit
+	fi
+	logger -p info "IPVSADM daemon started"
+	# Clean up any left over crontab entry
+	# Add real server check scheduler to cron
+	(crontab -l|grep -v IPVS_SCHEDULER ; echo "$CRON_SCHEDULER")|crontab -
+stop_service () {
+	for i in ${BASE_DIR}/*.stop ; do
+		ipvsadm -R < $i
+	done
+	for i in ${BASE_DIR}/vserv.stop.* ; do
+		ipvsadm -R < $i
+	done
+	/bin/sh $BASE_DIR/ifconfig_down.sh
+	ipvsadm --stop-daemon `uci get ipvs.globals.role`
+	rm -f $TMP_DIR/*.down
+	rm -rf $BASE_DIR
+	for m in `uci -q get ipvs.globals.scheduler`; do
+			cm=$((cm+1))
+			rmmod ${IPVSMOD}_${m}
+	done
+	# Default to SCHED if no schedulers
+	if [ $m -eq 0 ]; then
+		rmmod ${IPVSMOD}_${SCHED}
+	fi
+	rmmod $IPVSMOD
+	crontab -l |grep -v IPVS_SCHEDULER|crontab -
diff --git a/package/network/utils/ipvsadm/files/usr/sbin/checkRealServers
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f801c4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/utils/ipvsadm/files/usr/sbin/checkRealServers
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Author: Mauro Mozzarelli
+# Description: checks whether a real server is up and running and if it is
+#              then it starts the services
+# Dependencies: /tmp/ipvsadm.d
+#				configuration files created by /etc/init.d/ipvsadm
+#	virt.*  = virtual servers
+#   *.stop  = real server in down state ipvs table
+#   *.start = real server in up state ipvs table
+#   *.down  = real server down status
+if [ -f $BASE_DIR/$REAL_SERVERS ]; then
+	for i in `cat $BASE_DIR/$REAL_SERVERS`; do
+		ping -qc 3 $i > /dev/null
+		RESULT=$?
+		if [ $RESULT -gt 0 ]; then
+			if [ ! -f $TMP_DIR/$i.down ]; then
+				ipvsadm -R < $BASE_DIR/$i.stop
+				date > $TMP_DIR/$i.down
+				logger -p info "IPVS Server $i is down"
+			fi
+		else
+			if [ -f $TMP_DIR/$i.down ]; then
+				ipvsadm -R < $BASE_DIR/$i.start
+				rm $TMP_DIR/$i.down
+				logger -p info "IPVS Server $i is on-line"
+			fi
+		fi
+	done
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