Removing outdated releases from downloads.o.o

Etienne Champetier champetier.etienne at
Sat Jan 6 02:56:52 PST 2024

(resending in text only)

Le sam. 6 janv. 2024 à 00:13, Baptiste Jonglez
<baptiste at> a écrit :
> Hi,
> On 03-01-24, Paul Spooren wrote:
> > Hi, I’m currently checking what needs to remove mirror-01/02 and replace them by a both faster and cheaper machine.
> >
> > While we store all old releases (e.g. 5 year old 17.01), all links on the website point to archive.o.o. I suggest that we only serve snapshots and supported releases on the main download server and serve all other releases via the archive server only.
> >
> > This would break very old forum links but for those cases we could either say such old shouldn’t be used in the first place or add a forwarding rule to the archive server.
> I agree that the current amount of storage is becoming unmanageable.
> I put some storage numbers for mirror operators on [1], the TL;DR is that
> we generate around +700 GB of new release files per year and it's increasing.
> This is really a lot.
> However, changing the model needs some thinking, around several axes:
> - determining relevant classes of data.  We could have three logical
>   repositories: snapshots, active releases, old releases.  They might
>   still technically be hosted on the same server, but they would be easier
>   to separate.
> - catering for mirror operators: currently some operators decide to mirror
>   only part of the data for space reason, but it's not consistent.  The
>   classes of data above would help: we could ask every mirror to carry at
>   least "active releases" as a common denominator for consistency.
> - delivery: keeping stable URLs over time, ensuring HTTP stays available,
>   taking into account limited clients like uclient-fetch for stuff like
>   TLS config and redirection
> - disaster recovery: backups, recovery
> - server cost vs. reliability vs. stability over time.  My feeling is that
>   you can get only two out of three.  For instance, donations or free
>   credits usually don't last for a long time.  The current download server
>   is mostly reliable and stable, but expensive.  And so on.
> From here, there are many solutions: put everything on object storage and
> be done with it; keep an expensive and reliable server for active releases
> only and rely on the community for the rest of the data; manage a second
> cheaper server for the rest as part of the OpenWrt infra; use object
> storage for the rest.
> I would go with the lowest maintenance option whenever possible, like a
> beefy VM for active releases and snapshots, and move to object storage for
> the rest (not Amazon of course, but a EU provider such as Infomaniak [2]).
> Then have a frontend configuration such as the current CDN that would
> transparently proxy to the right place.

There are object storages with 0 egress cost (at least for now),
this gives you pretty predictable costs and way better reliability,
the most well known would be Cloudflare R2.

There are also even cheaper object storage that have agreement with CDN
to have 0 egree cost, like backblaze with cloudflare / fastly / ...

What are the current costs, storage needs and bandwidth usage ?


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