Google Cloud Billing Reimbursement via Donations?

Rich Brown richb.hanover at
Wed Aug 9 15:34:20 PDT 2023


I don't know "the rules" for the use of OpenWrt donations, but paying for the computing resources to develop and test the software certainly seems like a proper use of those funds.

I would support using OpenWrt donations to reimburse you for the expenses that Google charged to your personal card. 


> On Aug 9, 2023, at 5:53 PM, Paul Spooren <mail at> wrote:
> Dear John, Jow, Petr, Pono,
> would it be an option to refund me with existing OpenWrt donations? I talked with Google again and they offered another 5k$ cloud credit, however find themself unable to refund the taken money.
> I don’t plan to accept the 5k$ (to my account), if anyone of the OpenWrt team is interested in it, please reach out to me, but keep my mistake in mind.
> Best,
> Paul

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