[RFC PATCH] platform: generic: thead: add sfence workaroud for th1520/sg2042

Inochi Amaoto inochiama at outlook.com
Wed Sep 13 17:26:53 PDT 2023

>> so they need to execute sfence.vma in the trap handler to
>> function properly.
>> To handle this workaroud, add a degraded alternative mechanism in the thead
>> platform to patch the trap handler.
>Don’t mess up generic code for this, just override the trap handler and
>branch to the generic one after whatever workaround you supposedly need
>for unclear reasons?

Thanks for this advice, I will try a platform trap handler.

>But this needs a much clearer explanation of whatever’s going on here,
>which sounds like a spec violation being described to me. What exactly
>is the hardware erratum and where is it documented?

This is more like a implementation issue rather than spec violation.
AFAIK, only th1520 and sg2042 are affected.


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