[PATCH] lib: sbi: Remove xchg/cmpxchg implemented via lr/sc

Xiang W wxjstz at 126.com
Tue Nov 7 19:28:16 PST 2023

lr/sc is part of the A extension. If the A extension is not supported,
lr/sc cannot be used. So remove xchg/cmpxchg.

Signed-off-by: Xiang W <wxjstz at 126.com>
 lib/sbi/riscv_atomic.c | 106 ++---------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/sbi/riscv_atomic.c b/lib/sbi/riscv_atomic.c
index 528686f..a143218 100644
--- a/lib/sbi/riscv_atomic.c
+++ b/lib/sbi/riscv_atomic.c
@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
 #include <sbi/riscv_atomic.h>
 #include <sbi/riscv_barrier.h>
+#ifndef __riscv_atomic
+#error "opensbi strongly relies on the A extension of RISC-V"
 long atomic_read(atomic_t *atom)
 	long ret = atom->counter;
@@ -79,131 +83,29 @@ long atomic_sub_return(atomic_t *atom, long value)
 		(__typeof__(*(ptr))) __axchg((ptr), _x_, sizeof(*(ptr)));	\
-#define __xchg(ptr, new, size)                                            \
-	({                                                                \
-		__typeof__(ptr) __ptr	 = (ptr);                         \
-		__typeof__(*(ptr)) __new = (new);                         \
-		__typeof__(*(ptr)) __ret;                                 \
-		register unsigned int __rc;                               \
-		switch (size) {                                           \
-		case 4:                                                   \
-			__asm__ __volatile__("0:	lr.w %0, %2\n"    \
-					     "	sc.w.rl %1, %z3, %2\n"    \
-					     "	bnez %1, 0b\n"            \
-					     "	fence rw, rw\n"           \
-					     : "=&r"(__ret), "=&r"(__rc), \
-					       "+A"(*__ptr)               \
-					     : "rJ"(__new)                \
-					     : "memory");                 \
-			break;                                            \
-		case 8:                                                   \
-			__asm__ __volatile__("0:	lr.d %0, %2\n"    \
-					     "	sc.d.rl %1, %z3, %2\n"    \
-					     "	bnez %1, 0b\n"            \
-					     "	fence rw, rw\n"           \
-					     : "=&r"(__ret), "=&r"(__rc), \
-					       "+A"(*__ptr)               \
-					     : "rJ"(__new)                \
-					     : "memory");                 \
-			break;                                            \
-		default:                                                  \
-			break;                                            \
-		}                                                         \
-		__ret;                                                    \
-	})
-#define xchg(ptr, n)                                                     \
-	({                                                               \
-		__typeof__(*(ptr)) _n_ = (n);                            \
-		(__typeof__(*(ptr))) __xchg((ptr), _n_, sizeof(*(ptr))); \
-	})
-#define __cmpxchg(ptr, old, new, size)                                    \
-	({                                                                \
-		__typeof__(ptr) __ptr	 = (ptr);                         \
-		__typeof__(*(ptr)) __old = (old);                         \
-		__typeof__(*(ptr)) __new = (new);                         \
-		__typeof__(*(ptr)) __ret;                                 \
-		register unsigned int __rc;                               \
-		switch (size) {                                           \
-		case 4:                                                   \
-			__asm__ __volatile__("0:	lr.w %0, %2\n"    \
-					     "	bne  %0, %z3, 1f\n"       \
-					     "	sc.w.rl %1, %z4, %2\n"    \
-					     "	bnez %1, 0b\n"            \
-					     "	fence rw, rw\n"           \
-					     "1:\n"                       \
-					     : "=&r"(__ret), "=&r"(__rc), \
-					       "+A"(*__ptr)               \
-					     : "rJ"(__old), "rJ"(__new)   \
-					     : "memory");                 \
-			break;                                            \
-		case 8:                                                   \
-			__asm__ __volatile__("0:	lr.d %0, %2\n"    \
-					     "	bne %0, %z3, 1f\n"        \
-					     "	sc.d.rl %1, %z4, %2\n"    \
-					     "	bnez %1, 0b\n"            \
-					     "	fence rw, rw\n"           \
-					     "1:\n"                       \
-					     : "=&r"(__ret), "=&r"(__rc), \
-					       "+A"(*__ptr)               \
-					     : "rJ"(__old), "rJ"(__new)   \
-					     : "memory");                 \
-			break;                                            \
-		default:                                                  \
-			break;                                            \
-		}                                                         \
-		__ret;                                                    \
-	})
-#define cmpxchg(ptr, o, n)                                          \
-	({                                                          \
-		__typeof__(*(ptr)) _o_ = (o);                       \
-		__typeof__(*(ptr)) _n_ = (n);                       \
-		(__typeof__(*(ptr)))                                \
-			__cmpxchg((ptr), _o_, _n_, sizeof(*(ptr))); \
-	})
 long atomic_cmpxchg(atomic_t *atom, long oldval, long newval)
-#ifdef __riscv_atomic
 	return __sync_val_compare_and_swap(&atom->counter, oldval, newval);
-	return cmpxchg(&atom->counter, oldval, newval);
 long atomic_xchg(atomic_t *atom, long newval)
 	/* Atomically set new value and return old value. */
-#ifdef __riscv_atomic
 	return axchg(&atom->counter, newval);
-	return xchg(&atom->counter, newval);
 unsigned int atomic_raw_xchg_uint(volatile unsigned int *ptr,
 				  unsigned int newval)
 	/* Atomically set new value and return old value. */
-#ifdef __riscv_atomic
 	return axchg(ptr, newval);
-	return xchg(ptr, newval);
 unsigned long atomic_raw_xchg_ulong(volatile unsigned long *ptr,
 				    unsigned long newval)
 	/* Atomically set new value and return old value. */
-#ifdef __riscv_atomic
 	return axchg(ptr, newval);
-	return xchg(ptr, newval);
 #if (__SIZEOF_POINTER__ == 8)

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