[PATCH 2/3] platform: generic: thead: separate implement of thead c9xx pmu

Inochi Amaoto inochiama at outlook.com
Tue May 23 03:25:07 PDT 2023

> Which linux patch series you've tesed with? Thx
> Could give out your test branch, we could help test.

Only the third patch is only apply to th1520.

And this patch only separate some c9xx code from d1 which mentioned in
commit b6e520b2a836cd7cc8dc99c25a21a470e8589888.
So any of c906 boards can be used for testing. And you can test with
mainline kernel.

The pmu dtb node can be obtains from

The example dtb node can be used on both th1520 and Sophgo mango. If you need
to test on c906, just use the first few events which is mentioned in the mail.

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