[PATCH v3 13/13] docs: andes-ae350.md: Update ae350 documentation for fdt driver support

Yu Chien Peter Lin peterlin at andestech.com
Wed Oct 12 19:29:51 PDT 2022

We update ae350 documentation to add details about platform device tree.
The nodes and their properties must be provided to properly initialize
data of underlying hardware and access their mmio registers.

Signed-off-by: Yu Chien Peter Lin <peterlin at andestech.com>
Reviewed-by: Anup Patel <anup at brainfault.org>
Changes v2 -> v3
  - Remove "riscv,ndev" from plicsw device tree node
 docs/platform/andes-ae350.md | 184 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 180 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/platform/andes-ae350.md b/docs/platform/andes-ae350.md
index 1cf83cf..ec241ec 100644
--- a/docs/platform/andes-ae350.md
+++ b/docs/platform/andes-ae350.md
@@ -18,13 +18,189 @@ The Andes AE350 platform does not have any platform-specific options.
 Building Andes AE350 Platform
-To use Linux v5.2 should be used to build Andes AE350 OpenSBI binaries by using
-the compile time option FW_FDT_PATH.
-AE350's dts is included in https://github.com/andestech/linux/tree/ast-v3_2_0-release-public
+AE350's dts is included in https://github.com/andestech/linux/tree/RISCV-Linux-5.4-ast-v5_1_0-branch
 **Linux Kernel Payload**
 make PLATFORM=andes/ae350 FW_PAYLOAD_PATH=<linux_build_directory>/arch/riscv/boot/Image FW_FDT_PATH=<ae350.dtb path>
+DTS Example: (Quad-core AX45MP)
+	cpus {
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		timebase-frequency = <60000000>;
+		CPU0: cpu at 0 {
+			device_type = "cpu";
+			reg = <0>;
+			status = "okay";
+			compatible = "riscv";
+			riscv,isa = "rv64imafdc";
+			riscv,priv-major = <1>;
+			riscv,priv-minor = <10>;
+			mmu-type = "riscv,sv48";
+			clock-frequency = <60000000>;
+			i-cache-size = <0x8000>;
+			i-cache-sets = <256>;
+			i-cache-line-size = <64>;
+			i-cache-block-size = <64>;
+			d-cache-size = <0x8000>;
+			d-cache-sets = <128>;
+			d-cache-line-size = <64>;
+			d-cache-block-size = <64>;
+			next-level-cache = <&L2>;
+			CPU0_intc: interrupt-controller {
+				#interrupt-cells = <1>;
+				interrupt-controller;
+				compatible = "riscv,cpu-intc";
+			};
+		};
+		CPU1: cpu at 1 {
+			device_type = "cpu";
+			reg = <1>;
+			status = "okay";
+			compatible = "riscv";
+			riscv,isa = "rv64imafdc";
+			riscv,priv-major = <1>;
+			riscv,priv-minor = <10>;
+			mmu-type = "riscv,sv48";
+			clock-frequency = <60000000>;
+			i-cache-size = <0x8000>;
+			i-cache-sets = <256>;
+			i-cache-line-size = <64>;
+			i-cache-block-size = <64>;
+			d-cache-size = <0x8000>;
+			d-cache-sets = <128>;
+			d-cache-line-size = <64>;
+			d-cache-block-size = <64>;
+			next-level-cache = <&L2>;
+			CPU1_intc: interrupt-controller {
+				#interrupt-cells = <1>;
+				interrupt-controller;
+				compatible = "riscv,cpu-intc";
+			};
+		};
+		CPU2: cpu at 2 {
+			device_type = "cpu";
+			reg = <2>;
+			status = "okay";
+			compatible = "riscv";
+			riscv,isa = "rv64imafdc";
+			riscv,priv-major = <1>;
+			riscv,priv-minor = <10>;
+			mmu-type = "riscv,sv48";
+			clock-frequency = <60000000>;
+			i-cache-size = <0x8000>;
+			i-cache-sets = <256>;
+			i-cache-line-size = <64>;
+			i-cache-block-size = <64>;
+			d-cache-size = <0x8000>;
+			d-cache-sets = <128>;
+			d-cache-line-size = <64>;
+			d-cache-block-size = <64>;
+			next-level-cache = <&L2>;
+			CPU2_intc: interrupt-controller {
+				#interrupt-cells = <1>;
+				interrupt-controller;
+				compatible = "riscv,cpu-intc";
+			};
+		};
+		CPU3: cpu at 3 {
+			device_type = "cpu";
+			reg = <3>;
+			status = "okay";
+			compatible = "riscv";
+			riscv,isa = "rv64imafdc";
+			riscv,priv-major = <1>;
+			riscv,priv-minor = <10>;
+			mmu-type = "riscv,sv48";
+			clock-frequency = <60000000>;
+			i-cache-size = <0x8000>;
+			i-cache-sets = <256>;
+			i-cache-line-size = <64>;
+			i-cache-block-size = <64>;
+			d-cache-size = <0x8000>;
+			d-cache-sets = <128>;
+			d-cache-line-size = <64>;
+			d-cache-block-size = <64>;
+			next-level-cache = <&L2>;
+			CPU3_intc: interrupt-controller {
+				#interrupt-cells = <1>;
+				interrupt-controller;
+				compatible = "riscv,cpu-intc";
+			};
+		};
+	};
+	soc {
+		#address-cells = <2>;
+		#size-cells = <2>;
+		compatible = "andestech,riscv-ae350-soc", "simple-bus";
+		ranges;
+		plic0: interrupt-controller at e4000000 {
+			compatible = "riscv,plic0";
+			reg = <0x00000000 0xe4000000 0x00000000 0x02000000>;
+			interrupts-extended = < &CPU0_intc 11 &CPU0_intc 9
+			                        &CPU1_intc 11 &CPU1_intc 9
+			                        &CPU2_intc 11 &CPU2_intc 9
+			                        &CPU3_intc 11 &CPU3_intc 9 >;
+			interrupt-controller;
+			#address-cells = <2>;
+			#interrupt-cells = <2>;
+			riscv,ndev = <71>;
+		};
+		plicsw: interrupt-controller at e6400000 {
+			compatible = "andestech,plicsw";
+			reg = <0x00000000 0xe6400000 0x00000000 0x00400000>;
+			interrupts-extended = < &CPU0_intc 3
+			                        &CPU1_intc 3
+			                        &CPU2_intc 3
+			                        &CPU3_intc 3 >;
+			interrupt-controller;
+			#address-cells = <2>;
+			#interrupt-cells = <2>;
+		};
+		plmt0: plmt0 at e6000000 {
+			compatible = "andestech,plmt0";
+			reg = <0x00000000 0xe6000000 0x00000000 0x00100000>;
+			interrupts-extended = < &CPU0_intc 7
+			                        &CPU1_intc 7
+			                        &CPU2_intc 7
+			                        &CPU3_intc 7 >;
+		};
+		wdt: wdt at f0500000 {
+			compatible = "andestech,atcwdt200";
+			reg = <0x00000000 0xf0500000 0x00000000 0x00001000>;
+			interrupts = <3 4>;
+			interrupt-parent = <&plic0>;
+			clock-frequency = <15000000>;
+		};
+		serial0: serial at f0300000 {
+			compatible = "andestech,uart16550", "ns16550a";
+			reg = <0x00000000 0xf0300000 0x00000000 0x00001000>;
+			interrupts = <9 4>;
+			interrupt-parent = <&plic0>;
+			clock-frequency = <19660800>;
+			current-speed = <38400>;
+			reg-shift = <2>;
+			reg-offset = <32>;
+			reg-io-width = <4>;
+			no-loopback-test = <1>;
+		};
+		smu: smu at f0100000 {
+			compatible = "andestech,atcsmu";
+			reg = <0x00000000 0xf0100000 0x00000000 0x00001000>;
+		};
+	};

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