[PATCH v3 01/15] docs: Add device tree bindings for SBI PMU extension

Jessica Clarke jrtc27 at jrtc27.com
Fri Jun 25 18:50:24 PDT 2021

On 26 Jun 2021, at 02:45, Jessica Clarke <jrtc27 at jrtc27.com> wrote:
> On 26 Jun 2021, at 02:44, Jessica Clarke <jrtc27 at jrtc27.com> wrote:
>> On 26 Jun 2021, at 02:39, Atish Patra <atishp at atishpatra.org> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Jun 25, 2021 at 6:01 PM Jessica Clarke <jrtc27 at jrtc27.com> wrote:
>>>> On 26 Jun 2021, at 01:57, Atish Patra <atish.patra at wdc.com> wrote:
>>>>> SBI PMU extension requires a firmware to be aware of the event to
>>>>> counter/mhpmevent mappings supported by the hardware. One approach
>>>>> is to encode that information in the device tree.
>>>>> Define a device tree binding that allows a hardware to describe
>>>>> all the PMU mappings required in concise format.
>>>>> Reviewed-by: Anup Patel <anup.patel at wdc.com>
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Atish Patra <atish.patra at wdc.com>
>>>>> ---
>>>>> docs/pmu_support.md | 83 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>>> 1 file changed, 83 insertions(+)
>>>>> create mode 100644 docs/pmu_support.md
>>>>> diff --git a/docs/pmu_support.md b/docs/pmu_support.md
>>>>> new file mode 100644
>>>>> index 000000000000..8535a1dccbeb
>>>>> --- /dev/null
>>>>> +++ b/docs/pmu_support.md
>>>>> @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
>>>>> +OpenSBI SBI PMU extension support
>>>>> +==================================
>>>>> +SBI PMU extension supports allow supervisor software to configure/start/stop
>>>>> +any performance counter at anytime. Thus, an user can leverage full
>>>>> +capability of performance analysis tools such as perf if SBI PMU extension is
>>>>> +enabled. The OpenSBI implementation makes the following assumptions about the
>>>>> +hardware platform.
>>>>> +
>>>>> + * MCOUNTINHIBIT CSR must be implemented in the hardware. Otherwise, SBI PMU
>>>>> +extension will not be enabled.
>>>>> +
>>>>> + * The platform must provide information about PMU event to counter mapping
>>>>> +via device tree or platform specific hooks. Otherwise, SBI PMU extension will
>>>>> +not be enabled.
>>>>> +
>>>>> + * The platforms should provide information about the PMU event selector values
>>>>> +that should be encoded in the expected value of MHPMEVENTx while configuring
>>>>> +MHPMCOUNTERx for that specific event. This can be done via a device tree or
>>>>> +platform specific hooks. The exact value to be written to he MHPMEVENTx is
>>>>> +completely platform specific. Generic platform writes a default value <xyz> to
>>>>> +the MHPMEVENTx CSR where <xyz> is formatted as described below.
>>>>> +```
>>>>> +     xyz[0:19]    : event_idx
>>>>> +        xyz[20:XLEN] : event_data[0:(XLEN-20)]
>>>>> +
>>>>> +```
>>>>> +
>>>>> +SBI PMU Device Tree Bindings
>>>>> +----------------------------
>>>>> +
>>>>> +Platforms may choose to describe PMU event selector and event to counter mapping
>>>>> +values via device tree. The following sections describes the PMU DT node
>>>>> +bindings in details.
>>>>> +
>>>>> +* **compatible** (Mandatory) - The compatible string of SBI PMU device tree node.
>>>>> +This DT property must have the value **riscv,pmu**.
>>>>> +
>>>>> +* **opensbi,event-to-mhpmevent**(Optional) - It represents an ONE-to-ONE mapping
>>>>> +between a PMU event and the event selector value that platform expects to be
>>>>> +written to the MHPMEVENTx CSR for that event. The mapping is encoded in a
>>>>> +table format where each row represents an event. The first column represent the
>>>>> +event idx where the 2nd & 3rd column represent the event selector value that
>>>>> +should be encoded in the expected value to be written in MHPMEVENTx.
>>>>> +This property shouldn't encode any raw hardware event.
>>>>> +
>>>>> +* **opensbi,event-to-counters**(Optional) - It represents a MANY-to-MANY
>>>>> +mapping between a range of events and all the MHPMCOUNTERx in a bitmap format
>>>>> +that can be used to monitor these range of events. The information is encoded in
>>>>> +a table format where each row represent a certain range of events and
>>>>> +corresponding counters. The first column represents starting of the pmu event id
>>>>> +and 2nd column represents the end of the pmu event id. The third column
>>>>> +represent a bitmap of all the MHPMCOUNTERx. This property is mandatory if
>>>>> +event-to-mhpmevent is present. Otherwise, it can be omitted. This property
>>>>> +shouldn't encode any raw event.
>>>>> +
>>>>> +* **opensbi,raw-event-to-counters**(Optional) - It represents an ONE-to-MANY
>>>>> +mapping between a raw event and all the MHPMCOUNTERx in a bitmap format that can
>>>>> +be used to monitor that raw event. The information is encoded in a table format
>>>>> +where each raw represent a specific raw event. The first column stores the
>>>>> +expected event selector value that should be encoded in the expected value to be
>>>>> +written in MHPMEVENTx. The second column stores a bitmap of all the MHPMCOUNTERx
>>>>> +that can be used for monitoring the specified event.
>>>>> +
>>>>> +*Note:* A platform may choose to provide the mapping between event & counters
>>>>> +via platform hooks rather than the device tree.
>>>>> +
>>>>> +### Example
>>>>> +
>>>>> +```
>>>>> +pmu {
>>>>> +      compatible                     = "riscv,pmu";
>>>>> +      interrupts                     = <0x100>;
>>>>> +      interrupt-parent                       = <&plic>
>>>>> +      opensbi,event-to-mhpmevent     = <0x0000B  0x0000 0x0001>,
>>>>> +      opensbi,event-to-counters      = <0x00001 0x00001 0x00000001>,
>>>>> +                                               <0x00002 0x00002 0x00000004>,
>>>>> +                                               <0x00003 0x0000A 0x00000ff8>,
>>>>> +                                               <0x10000 0x10033 0x000ff000>,
>>>>> +      opensbi,raw-event-to-counters  = <0x0000 0x0002 0x00000f8>,
>>>>> +                                       <0x0000 0x0003 0x00000ff0>,
>>>> If this is a generic specification then the node name should not
>>>> include the implementation-specific opensbi string in the name. If this
>>>> is not a generic specification then it should not be in riscv-sbi-doc.
>>> The DT binding is OpenSBI specific. The SBI specification doesn't say
>>> anything about how SBI implementation/platform
>>> wants to encode the counter/event mapping.
>> Other DT-using implementations will need to specify the same thing.
>> Either they’ll be forced to use opensbi strings, which is wrong, or
>> they’ll have to invent their own and we have two ways to say the same
>> thing. If at least one of Xvisor, KVM, RustSBI, Diosix or another SBI
>> implementation is also using an FDT (which seems highly likely since
>> ACPI on RISC-V is currently a pie in the sky) and wishing to implement
>> the PMU extension then it will have to communicate exactly the same
>> information as OpenSBI here. This is not specific to OpenSBI; it should
>> be an implementation-agnostic string.
> ... and the specification *should* specify the bindings for the FDT,
> just as we do for things like the PLIC, otherwise it is incomplete and
> you require platform-specific knowledge to use it, which is precisely
> what the SBI spec is trying to avoid.

Well, there or devicetree-source’s Bindings folder, which effectively
means Linux’s bindings folder. But it needs to be specified and
appropriately named to not be implementation-specific when it’s an SBI
implementation-agnostic thing that OpenSBI just happens to implement


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