Connecting to anyconnect vpn - system verification

Zbyněk Kačer zbynek.kacer at
Fri Jan 27 03:35:53 PST 2023

our organization is starting using cisco anyconnect to access vpn. We 
were told to use the official cisco client (4.10.05095) which I'm never 
going to install into my linux system.
So I tried openconnect and I can log in, but I can ping machines only 
and cannot make a tcp connection (ssh). They call it a limited access.
If I want to ssh, I need to "verify my machine" - and this is the trojan 
binary injected by the gateway, am I right?

So I tried
openconnect --dump-http-traffic --csd-wrapper=/tmp/

but the csd-post script seems never be called (I've inserted some echos 
at the beginning).
Do I have to force openconnect to post the "scan" result to the gateway 

Thanks for any help!

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