Cisco recommends OpenConnect

Randall Sindlinger randall.sindlinger at
Fri Jun 3 13:44:11 PDT 2022


If you aren't aware, I just found that Cisco's DEVNET has a genuine recommendation to use

It is mentioned in the docs for their DevNet Sandbox at!tips-tricks

I highly suggest that you add this to your and/or the page.  It's a strong affirmation that the openconnect
client is fully secure and a high-quality product.

Without that information, my division had a mandate to move away from Linux because RSA tokens are
being phased out in favor of the PIV cards, which Cisco AnyConnect _still_ does not support for
Linux.  I truly wish I'd found that Cisco recommendation for OpenConnect long ago; it was incredibly
difficult to find, and it was more that I'd stumbled across it.  I think it really would have made a
n excellent argument, to the point that it might very well have made a difference in keeping Linux
as an option within our group.

Best Regards,

Randall Sindlinger
LAADS web team
Terrestrial Information Systems Lab
Earth Sciences Division
Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA

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