openconnect.exe stdin Windows Crash

Nathan & Ila Reynolds nathanila at
Mon Mar 21 11:34:21 PDT 2016

I am executing the following command.  Openconnect.exe crashes when reading
from stdin.  How do I give the password to openconnect.exe without crashing
the program?

C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenConnect>echo "password" | openconnect.exe
--passwd-on-stdin --user=username server
WARNING: This version of openconnect is v7.06 but
         the libopenconnect library is v7.06-unknown
 ReadConsole() failed: The handle is invalid.
 POST https://server/
 Connected to ip:443
 SSL negotiation with server
 Connected to HTTPS on server
 Got HTTP response: HTTP/1.0 302 Temporary moved
 POST server
 Connected to ip:443
 SSL negotiation with server
 Connected to HTTPS on server
 XML POST enabled
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 Password: ReadConsole() failed: The handle is invalid.


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