how to make ocserv do totp 2FA?

Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos nmav at
Mon May 18 12:57:11 PDT 2015

On Tue, 2015-05-19 at 03:52 +0800, Wang Jian wrote:

> >> Hi,
> >>  I would be surprised if you couldn't use the PAM backend to require two
> >> passwords, a static and TOTP. If you can make your login in your system
> >> to ask 2FA then you can do ocserv as well (for HOTP/TOTP at least, U2F
> >> is another story).
> > I will try. My question is: when pam prompt for second password, how ocserv
> > trigger it in client's UI?

It sends multiple forms and openconnect client presents one by one. You
can even change your password over pam with openconnect.

>     prompt = pamh.Message(pamh.PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_OFF, "Please enter your code")
>     try:
>         resp = pamh.conversation(prompt)
>     except pamh.exception:
>         return pamh.PAM_SYSTEM_ERR
>     if resp.resp == '6666':
>         return pamh.PAM_SUCCESS
>     else:
>         return pamh.PAM_USER_UNKNOWN
> With this setup, Cisco anyconnect android client will ask username, password and
> password again. If all information is correct, the vpn connection is established
> successfully.
> But OpenConnect android client will fail immediately after prompting
> for and get first
> password. According to log, I think it's because OC android client
> uses first password
> directly for second prompt, and fails.

Could it be some option remember password? How do the other clients
(windows or openconnect in linux) do?


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