openconnect and authenticating proxy via script

Jeffrey May jeff.may at
Tue May 29 16:04:15 EDT 2012

If calling the openconnect client from a script, and you specify an authenticating proxy (via −P,−−proxy proxyurl), how do you provide the authentication credentials?  We are using a very lightweight Linux (Microcore), without niceties like GNOME NetworkManager, within a VirtualBox virtual machine.  

If this is not currently supported, I would think a mechanism like --passwd-on-stdin but for proxy would be feasible.  Perhaps a way to pass in multiple sensitive key-value pairs via a pipe (e.g. echo ";vpnuid:test;vpnpwd:testpwd;proxyserver;;proxyuid:me;proxypwd:mepwd" | openconnect -b --config-on-stdin)?  Not pretty, but flexible.


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