DMA with current 2.4.x kernels

François Jacques jacf01 at
Mon Apr 11 17:42:49 EDT 2005

* Andrew E. Mileski <andrewm at> [2005-04-11 02:24:36 -0400]:

> François Jacques wrote:
> >Hi folks,
> >
> >Anyone has DMA enabled on /dev/had, under Linux 2.4.27 (debian sarge
> >candidate kernel), on rev5 hardware? This config has the SL82C105
> >rev5/SouthBridge rev10 combo, which supports DMA. 
> >
> It works great if you don't use the Tulip or play sound.

I was awake of that problem, but thought that it was only occuring when using
the ISA devices, which I'm not. Well, to be honest, I had projects for the IrDA but looks
that I better forget about it :-O

> There is a problem with the arbiter in the Windbond 553/554.

I thought it was mainly causing problems when using ISA devices concurrently
with PCI devices...? 

> Basically there is only 1 usable DMA channel.

Fsck! All right, I'll keep it in PIO4 then; I need both the Tulip and NE2000
interfaces enabled.

François Jacques	

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